Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sunrise service on the flight deck—clear skies, calm azure blue waters, overlooking the coast of Port Au Prince--with an ensemble from the Air
Force band accompanying our singing. Must say it was quite a spiritual experience!! Here’s hoping ya’ll had a wonderful and blessed Easter—I do
miss being with my family on this special day.


  1. Sandy - We sure did miss you and your family - Shelly called and they decided to have an Easter brunch so Avonne could get back early as had to work on Monday. We had quite a day. It started with a heavy rain storm - on the way to church. I picked up Ruth (Mary's Friend)and went to church - a wonderful service and the church was beautiful. Then home and the action began. We had the family, Ray, Mike, Monica, Scott, Dianna, and Sabrina, the Blyth"s. and of course Myron and Diane - so a full house. It was to wet to have the confetti eggs after church - so I hid an egg for everyone in the house. After everyone found their egg we had an Easter brunch, The weather took a turn and the sun came out and the day was just beautiful. We then proceed to play outdor games. We had the usual confetti eggs, egg hunt for the little ones, a pinyata for the children. All the adult kids got cought up in volley ball and the games went late into the night. So a huge day. I went to work today at 6 am so I am dragging my tail feather - I will talk more to you tomorrow - I miss you and will talk to you tomorrow - Love to you Sandy K

  2. Hi Sandy,
    Luv your photos. It looks like you are enjoying being there. Our Easter was quiet. Originally, we were going to have Andrea and hubby and Phillip and girlfriend here for Easter church and dinner. But, then, Phillip talked to us about his desire to see Grandma Johnson over the holiday as it had been 2 years since he has seen her. Before all was said and done, all three of the Bussmann kids worked it out that they would ALL go to my Moms and surprise her. She knew that Chris was planning on visiting, but was absolutely shocked when the other two came trailing in behind Chris. They had a memorable time. Andrea has made a slide show and video show of the event. As a consequence of their little trip, Al and I were footloose and fancy free, so we went to church and then out to lunch with some good friends who were also childless this Easter.
    The spring is just beautiful. I have SO enjoyed being out in the yard amongst my little plantings. The neighbor behind me chuckle over our over the fence chats because it has become so dense with growth it is a bit like the t.v. show "Home Improvement". Ha! We are expecting a lot of rain tomorrow. At least that is what the weather man says and I sure hope he is accurate. My gardens would really appreciate the moisture.
    You said you would enjoy some gossip, so here goes. The newspaper said that the Hill Country Galleria is in pre-foreclosure. I guess they have money owed somewhere and don't have it and the banks are NOT lending! So, they are looking for a buyer. Guess the bank may end up owning it if it doesn't sell. Can't help but wonder what the City of Bee Cave is thinking about this now?????
    Dillards is suing the Highland Mall owners to get out of their contract because they say the owners are not keeping it up well enough. There is some talk of turning that mall into a Government building????
    Other than that, Austin still feels fairly well insulated from the bad economy that is affecting the rest of the country.
    All is well here. I wish you were home so I could have you over for some pink lemonade in my courtyard.
    Hope all is well with you.
    Love, Juanita
